Welcome to Mendy's Baseball Memorabilia secure online store, where buying the best in baseball memorabilia has never been easier. We specialize in quality baseball memorabilia, specifically autographed baseballs and bats, selected magazines, programs, media guides, game tickets, yearbooks, and more. Mendy's has been selling the finest baseball memorabilia since 1990.
Mendy's Baseball Memorabilia
PO Box 209
Mount Airy, MD 21771
(240) 606-7069mendys@mendys.com PAYMENT METHODS
We gladly accept American Express, Visa, and Mastercard.
All items carry a 7-day money-back guarantee if not satisfied.
All items are subject to prior sale. Some items are unique or one of a kind. If you have a question about the availability of an item, please contact us.
It is our policy to honor the privacy of any information which you provide while ordering on-line. Personal Information that you submit to this site will be used only for the purposes of filling your order. Your address information will be used only for shipping, and your e-mail address or telephone number, if provided, will be used only if we need to communicate with your regarding your order. This information will not be sold or disclosed to any third parties.
Information about visitors is automatically gathered each time you visit the Mendy's web site. This data is used in an aggregate and non-personal identifiable format in order to analyze patterns of activity and sales trends.
We have a secure server and provide a secure ordering environment. This means that you can enter your personal information and credit card information directly online with us, and that information will be immediately encrypted to assure maximum security of all data.
All Transactions will be on a secure web server throughout the shopping checkout process.
MENDYS can ship by US Priority Mail, US Express Mail, UPS, and Regular First Class Mail. Shipping charges are determined by method used.
Maryland Residents will be charged 6% for State Sales Tax.

Mendy's welcomes your order payment via the PayPal system. Please order with complete confidence and safety on our secure website.
Mendy's always welcomes your Baseball Memorabilia inquiries.
Please contact us by E-Mail at: mendys@mendys.com
Phone: (240) 606-7069
© 2025 Mendy's Baseball Memorabilia